When someone close to you dies, there is no right nor wrong way to grieve.
Bereavement affects everyone differently. However you are feeling, we’re here to support you in whatever way best meets your needs. Please don’t face your bereavement alone.
Bereavement Support The First Twelve Months
The death of someone close can be one of the most devastating and overwhelming experiences that will ever happen to you….
Living with Grief – The first twelve months
Our Group Activities
While grief is a natural part of life, when someone you love dies it can also be a difficult and devastating experience. Please know we are here to listen and support you during this time. We can offer support to anyone over 18 who has been bereaved by cancer. Please contact us either by phone or e mail to chat to one of the nurses. We can then discuss with you the support we offer and what you need. This support may be appointments with our counsellor or nurse to talk about how you are feeling, coming along to one of our group activities e.g yoga, or have a complimentary therapy.
Activities for 2023/2024
Please visit our events and activities page on our main website for the latest diary dates you can follow the link below, or to contact us directly please phone or email us on the following:
Tel: 01597 823646 or info@brackentrust.org.uk
Support Services
- Face to face befriending in your own home or in a community setting
- Telephone Befriending
- Letter / email correspondence
- Digital online befriending groups
- Befriending groups Powys Befrienders
Address: Cruse Bereavement Care Cymru
Milford Road, Newtown, Powys Wales, SY16 2EH
Tel: 0300 1111 003
Email: wales@cruse.org.uk
We aim to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices which affect their lives. https://www.powyscitizensadvice.org.uk
We help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning. https://www.cruse.org.uk
Dedicated to understanding grief as a creative and active process. https://thegoodgriefproject.co.uk/
We support people through the most difficult times of their lives. https://www.sueryder.org/
Provides information on bereavement, where to go for support, and suggestions for helping yourself and others through grief. https://www.mind.org.uk
Contact us for bereavement advice. https://www.bereavementadvice.org
What to do when someone dies: Step by step. Get help with managing grief and the things you need to do when someone dies. https://www.gov.uk
Supporting someone else who has been bereaved:
Everyone’s grief is different. Here we share guidance and advice about supporting someone else who is grieving – both emotionally and practically – when they have been bereaved.